Sunday, August 28, 2005

caught up, swept away, lost and then found

tonights summer ministry concert was the culmination of all the work i did this summer and a summary of all the work God did in me this summer. It feels like i was caught up in a whirlwind and while being swept away to new places (physically and spiritually) I was lost and found on my journey. and the place that i ended up is exactly where i started but nowhere near to where i began, yeah that sounds like a contradiction but thats the only way i can describe it.

Things change, people change, I change. Thank You God for that because although most of the time change hurts, I can't stand the pain of being stagnant anymore. I can't stand that fact that i have the tendency to pull away from God's best for me, simply because i don't want to change.

The biggest change in me this summer was that finally i feel empowered and confident in the idea that God does have a plan for me, that His plans are greater than anything i can come up with, and that He will be faithfull to see those plans through to fruition. and most importantly, i am released to be a threat to the enemy, and no longer bound to be threatened by him.

4You are from God, little children, and have overcome them; because greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world. - 1 John 4:4


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