Sunday, September 18, 2005

Shattered Vessel

Imagine a potter.
Now imagine that one day He sits down at His wheel to create something beautiful. but something odd happens instead.
As He is attempting to make something the way He sees fit. The clay pushes His hands away and tries to make itself.
So He sits back to see if it can manage without Him.
Soon there are bits of clay everywhere. The clay can not provide the water it needs for itself.
it becomes nothing but a dried out mess with no resemblance to what the potter intended it to look like.
and the potter cries because He did not want this for his creation.
the dead clay, realizes that it can not make it on its own.
the dead clay is just a shattered vessel.
the shattered vessel gives up and releases its control to the potter.
and then the potter takes the broken pieces.
and with His own tears, wets the clay until it is malleable again.
Then the potter does what He does best. He creates something new out of something broken.
and the clay becomes so much more than it ever could have been without Him.
instead of an ugly dried up piece of mud.
It is a beautiful jar, worthy of bearing the image of its creator.


Blogger Abigail said...

Did you write this Andrew?

11:54 AM  

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