Thursday, October 06, 2005


Tonight i had one of the happiest nights ever. I went and saw my favorite band in concert
The David Crowder Band. By far the best performance that i have ever seen from them. The name of their latest album is A Collison which is referring to the qoute that David ends most of thier concerts with: When our depravity meets His divinity, it is a beautiful collison" Tonight was a beautiful collison. And i was thinking about it and the same can be said about my life.

I am truly a miracle of God's grace. I should not be where i am, and i should not have accomplished so far what i have, and i probably should not have the future in store for me that i do. And it is all because of my God, Jesus Christ.

When He did pick me up out of the mud and the mire it was while David Crowder was leading worship at a youth conference. And that is why tonight was one of my happiest nights ever, because in more ways than one i was brought right back to the moment that Christ took a hold of my life and i was never the same. Tonight i celebrated the first time where my depravity met His divinity and it was a beautiful collison.


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