Sunday, June 26, 2005

O.I. Till I Die!

Just finished our first SR High Camp. I have never been to or seen a camp like this. First off most of the 40 (or so) kids that went there were not Christian. basically about 7 of the kids were christian and the others had were not. So the idea of the camp was more about outreach than aggressive evangelism. Most of the camp was just about running the kids ragged before they could create any disciplinary problems, and that worked actually. I didn't see any kids have any problems with adults or other kids.

Here is the cool part. I fell in love with these kids from Orcas Island (the O.I.) They were the most interesting dynamic of kids i have ever seen. They were all just a kick in the pants to hang out with and so fun to get to know. Im not much older than most of them but it was so cool to see them look up to me, and even cooler to be able to reach out to some of them. In so many ways they ministered to me more than i could possibly have ministered to them.

and here is the even cooler part... I got to see some of them make decisions for Christ! about 16 through out the week and 11 in one night. This is so cool because God is the one who reached down into our time and space and offered a relationship to the kids and they accepted. There is nothing more exciting than seeing God move in peoples lives, and to see Him move in the lives of kids that do not have much to hope for and totally change their lives. My prayer is that the kids will continue to seek God now that they have encountered Him and that they will continue to reach out to others that live on their island. That throught them, God will continue to move and that the name of Christ will be exalted on Orcas Island through the lives of these kids.

O.I. Till I die

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Me and "my smelly Friend"

Me and my smelly friend
we are the best of friends
Always there when i need him
we can have hours of conversation without saying a word

Lots of people may not understand how i can be friends with someone so smelly
but for the most part i don't mind the way he smells.
I enjoy it.

When ever i feel bad he is just the thing to cheer me up
When ever i a feel good he is just the thing to make me feel great
Sweet sweet friend of mine, we will be friends for as long as i need him

One day i won't need him anymore
and a bittersweet day that will be
saying goodbye to my smelly friend
only to say hello to the best smelling friend i'll ever know

until then its going to be me... and my smelly friend

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

A song for my mom

Mama don’t cry
Mama don’t cry
The rain is gone and the sun is back
The rain is gone and I'll be alright

Mama hold on
Mama hold on
The tears are gone and your smile’s back
He’s got your hand whats holding you back

Cause you've gone this far
and you’re too loved to fail
Gods got you in his hands
And there you can be free

Mama go on
Mama go on