Saturday, October 22, 2005

ruins turned into a tower

City of Angels: what an ironic name for a place that is the closest thing i have ever seen to hell. Perhaps it would be better to refer to it as city of fallen angels, cause L.A. is the eppitome of man's fallen nature.

Despite the depravity of that city, I am sitting here back in Kirkland and ever fiber of my body wants to be back in L.A. more than anything. I fell in love with a place that completely breaks my heart. I walked skid row, the projects of East L.A., Santa Monica, I carried an 8 ft cross around the sunset strip. I have never seen a place in so much need of the light of Jesus Christ. The grace and mercy of his love, the hope of knowing there is more than what they have, and far more than what they don't have.

I have never loved and hated a place so much in my life. I saw people smoking crack and shooting up heorin. Prostitutes turning tricks in the porter potty. Children with nothing, but overwhelmed with joy just to have you pick them up, and show them love. Drunk clubbers that were too inibriated to understand that we were there to tell them about God's love. I loved it cause God loves us despite ourselves. I hated it because of the raw human nature that dominates the lives of those who live there.

L.A. forced me to take hold of God's power. At first i kept praying "God please give me the power to do what you want to be done here, and to make your name known to those who have yet to hear it." God said to me "It's yours Andrew. Take it" I did and i walked in it His power, cause i could not have done anything otherwise.

My heart shattered in L.A. and i left a trail of its pieces through out LA. Much of my heart is still there. But in my brokeness God did not just put it back together to the way it was, he put in new pieces, and filled in the cracks with love, and compassion. So now i have a heart that is even bigger and better than before. He picked up the ruins and made a watch tower out of them, and now i see people from a better perspective, one that God has given me. One that hurts for the lost, and the broken. One that has the power and courage to do something about it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are awesome. You have such a big heart, my friend.

I want to hear more details...soooooon.

Have a wonderful day, Andrew!

12:37 AM  

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