Wednesday, October 26, 2005

swept away by a fragrence

i was walking down the hill the other night after choir, when i caught a wiff of fall. All at once i was flooded with memories of childhood. The pure joy of raking the leaves in the front yard only so we could put them in a pile and then jump in them, or bury my sister in them, and then jump on her. Or stepping out of our house onto the front porch to light the pumpkins that my dad helped us to carve.

Sometimes i catch a scent of something that reminds me of a certain season of my life and i sit back and enjoy the nostalgia of better days, but not always are they pleasant.

Smelling the perfume of an ex-girlfriend can be both wonderful, and devastating. Remembering the intensity of being close to someone, and also the reminder that it had to end and the pain that comes with that.

The smell of spring in March reminds me of the biggest turning point of my life, which was that death of my father. The smell of March 12th always forces me to feel like my life is being forced to change forever. And every year at some point it smells like i will be forced to move beyond where i am like it or not.

Today I was walking outside and i caught a smell of decay. Probably the leaves that have fallen from the tree and are now decomposing on the ground. I was overwhelmed by the smell because it was similar to the death and decay that i smelled on skid row in L.A. Instantly i felt like i needed to be back there showing them Christ, helping them "climb from their grave into the light"

Perhaps we all smell a bit like decaying leaves. We all have fallen from the tree and are decomposing on the ground. (thats another blog proabably)

I can remember the smells of the point in my life where God stepped in, and took a hold of me. That was the smell of grace, when the smell of decay was washed away and i was anointed with the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ.

Lord thank you for creating me in a way that even a scent can evoke memories and emotions. Thank you for giving me feelings, and emotions and memories, good and bad. Lord help me to be the scent of life to others everywhere i go, and that you would annoint me and that i would reek of your grace and mercy and light. Amen


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hm, I wonder what I smell that reminds me of "Andrew."....I'll get back to you one that one.
Just kidders.
Buuuut, you write well, and you think a lot.
This is why we're buds.

2:55 PM  

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