Friday, July 22, 2005

Super sweet pics

These are pics from when we stayed up all night making DVDs for the Idaho SR high camp. We hiked up to the hill overlooking ISU that has these big column things there. So Matt and I took some pics while we were there.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

One more thing

I miss my friends...
and I miss my mom and my sister.
my baby nephew Isaac
and the only girl in the world that has full reign to my heart... Cally
I love and miss you all

something like this

Sitting here thinking... This is probably the craziest most exciting summer i have ever had in my adult life. Being on the road doing video production has been amazing so far. When we are not at a camp or a church working on videos we are floating down rivers in innertubes, Whitewater rafting in Wyoming, taking a roadtrip to Salt Lake City or eating the best Hot Wings in the World (wingers).
But that is only a small part of what has made this the best summer ever. God is the reason that this is such an awesome summer. Finally i feel like i am ministering to people (even though it is somewhat indirect) I know that God is using me to change lives. Every camp i pour my heart out into what i do, I have found that there is nothing more beautiful than filming people worshipping God, watching people going after God with all their hearts and Capturing the Chase on film, is more beautiful than any sunset, mountain or oceans in this world. I have been blessed with the chance to see what God sees when His people worship him, and i have been able to record it forever.
Every week at every camp i fall in love with the kids that are there. and i actually experienced a bit of heartbreak when everyone left at the last camp. But i would not trade that for anything. I thank God for the opportunity to be where i am and to do what i am doing. It is only because of Him that I am able to do the things i do. And because of Him that i am committed to doing these things for the rest of my life.
During my trip to Salt Lake City Matt and I visited the Morman Temple and the vistors center there, Even though everything was well lit, and appeared to be good, it was the darkest place that i have ever been. My heart broke as I saw all of the morman missionaries (most of them foreign themselves) propagating the lies that they believe to be truth. The deception is so deep and appears so real. There was a center set up to tell the story of Jesus, but their Jesus is not My Jesus, the best example of this was the artwork of Jesus. It was a Jesus that at a glance may resemble the True Son of God, but behind that it was nothing more than a figure, or false idol. My spirit could not relate to their depiction of Jesus. My spirit cringed at the sight of him. The best way to descibe it is that they romanticised something that doesn't need to be romanticised. Their religion has no depth so they have to romanticise it to be appealing to people. The Truth is that Real Gospel itself holds all the power neccesasary to save a person, and there is nothing that man can do to make it any better.
Let me end with something like this...
The world is a dark and horrible place. The hearts of man are nothing but captive to this darkness. The only thing capable of releasing our hearts is the Light of Christ and what he did for us on the Cross. Let us carry the gospel everywhere we go, and let us be a light to the captive hearts of humanity, anywhere and everywhere.