Sunday, November 20, 2005

A Model

In science, and in many other avenues of philosophy or learning, in order to understand a concept we construct models. While i was in bed thinking about how i have come to understand God i realized that all theology is merely a model. An attempt to explain something that we can not understand.

Because God made us finite creatures He has chosen to reveal Himself to us in terms that we as humans are able to understand. So we relate God to our earthly fathers and friends.

In the words of Professor Kowalski "I am not sure that i want to follow a God that i can understand"

God exists in dimensions and plains that we as humans are not capable of understanding while here on earth. I believe that once the sun sets on time, and rises on eternity, we will be able to have a better understanding of God. but until then we are constantly constructin models of God as if we are kids building things out of legos.

Our understanding of God is a collaboration of all of our experience with him, what we have been taught by others through their experience with Him, and what we have learned from the instruction book on how to build our God model.

To take this thought a bit deeper, Jesus was and is a model for us to comprehend God better. Before Christ, the Israelites were constantly messing things up because they could not understand God in the covenant that they had had. Christ came to be a model, and show us how to construct ourselves to be like God.

The Holy Spirit is the hand that puts the blocks in place. The One that gives us the next puzzle piece and then tells us where to put it.

Everyone in this world has to decide what way they are going to make their model of God look like.

Some hold it in their hand, and yet say there is no model, and that it is ubsurd for us to think there is something besides ourselves and our reason.
Some distort their puzzle either because they choose to, or thats the only way the have seen it put together, so the picture they get at the end is not even close to what God looks like.

if they are going to have a chance at ever grasping who the true God is then we are going to have to construct accurate models for them to learn off of. But it does niether us or them any good to construct these models if we are not going to show them off.